Yuxuan Yuan

Personal webpage

Welcome to my page. In this site, I will regularly upload some useful stuff regarding bioinformatics

Software management

Software managment is not easy and always needs some attention. There are different ways to manage software. Here I mainly talk about environment Modules.

Environment Module provides a convenient way to manage software. Usually, Modules is installed on servers.

To set your own/private modulepath, you may use:

$ export MODULEPATH=/path/to/your/modulefiles:$MODULEPATH 
$ module use /path/to/your/modulefiles

However, sometimes you have no Modules installed on your server(s)/pc. To solve this, you may want to install modules package by yourself (here you may need a super-user permission)


For example, you can download Modules using:

$ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/modules/Modules/modules-4.2.4/modules-4.2.4.tar.gz

Decompress modules

$ tar -xvzf modules-4.2.4.tar.gz

Go to the modules folder

$ cd modules-4.2.4

Install modules (you may use sudo to install)

make install 

Set modulepath

$ vim /usr/local/Modules/init/modulerc (# modify "module use --append /path/to/your/modulefiles")

Set modules in your bashrc

case "$0" in
          -sh|sh|*/sh)  modules_shell=sh ;;
       -ksh|ksh|*/ksh)  modules_shell=ksh ;;
       -zsh|zsh|*/zsh)  modules_shell=zsh ;;
    -bash|bash|*/bash)  modules_shell=bash ;;
module() { eval `/usr/bin/tclsh /usr/local/Modules/libexec/modulecmd.tcl $modules_shell $*`; }
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples

# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
    *i*) ;;
      *) return;;

source /usr/local/Modules/init/modulerc
source /usr/local/Modules/init/profile.sh

module template

# <software> modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
    puts stderr "Sets up the paths you need to use <software> version xxx"
set sys     [uname sysname]
set version xxx
set tool    xxx
if { [is-loaded $tool] && ! [is-loaded $tool/$version] } {
    module unload $tool

if [ module-info mode load ] { 
  puts stderr "======================================================"
  puts stderr "you may write some suggestion to use the tool here"
  puts stderr "======================================================"

prepend-path PATH /path/to/your/software/bin/

Some important tips for setting a module file

  1. For lib and/or include in an installation: you may set
  1. For man (check it in share folder) in an installation: you may set
prepend-path MANPATH
  1. For info (check it in share folder) in an installation: you may set
prepend-path INFOPATH


Alternatively, you may use lmod to set your modules.

lmod can be download at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmod/files/

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmod/files/Lmod-8.1.tar.bz2
$ tar xjf Lmod-8.1.tar.bz2

The installation of lmod is detailed at: https://lmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Before installing lmod, you need to install lua (may need root permission).

On linux, you may follow the command lines below to install lua:

$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmod/files/lua-
$ tar xjf lua-
$ cd lua-
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/apps/lua/ (# the path can be changed if you have no root permission)
$ make; make install
$ cd /opt/apps/lua; ln -s lua
$ mkdir /usr/local/bin; ln -s /opt/apps/lua/lua/bin/lua /usr/local/bin

You may need to softlink all files in /opt/apps/lua/lua/include to /usr/local/include/lua/5.1

On MacOS, you may need to install lua using brew

After lua installation, you may need to install luarocks.

note: use the source code to install luarocks

$ wget https://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-3.1.3.tar.gz
$ tar zxpf luarocks-3.1.3.tar.gz
$ cd luarocks-3.1.3
$ ./configure; sudo make; sudo make install (# if use make bootstrap, you will have a problem in installing luaposix)

Now you may need to modify the config file using sudo vim /usr/local/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua

-- LuaRocks configuration

rocks_trees = {
   { name = "user", root = home .. "/.luarocks" };
   { name = "system", root = "/usr/local" };

lua_interpreter = "lua";
variables = {
   LUA_DIR = "/usr/local";
   LUA_BINDIR = "/usr/local/bin";
   LUA_INCDIR = "/opt/apps/lua/lua/include";
   LUA_LIBDIR = "/opt/apps/lua/lua/lib";

Then you can install luarocks using:

$ sudo luarocks install luasocket

You may need to give permission to users using lua, luarocks and the corresponding libraries. Check those files:

/usr/include/luaxxx (#you may softlink lua.h into the include folder)

Once the installation is completed, you need to install luaposix and luafilesystem;

$ sudo luarocks install luaposix
$ sudo luarocks install luafilesystem

And then give permission to (chmod 755)


Now you can install lmod

$ sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/apps
$ sudo make install

Create a file like:

$ sudo vim /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/.modulespath

In the file you need give the modulespath


Give permission to

$ cd /opt/apps/
$ sudo chmod -R 755 lmod

In your .bashrc, add the command line:

$ source /opt/apps/lmod/lmod/init/profile

Now you can use lmod

The format of the lmod is different from Modules. Usually, it ends up with .lua. Here is an example:

help("Sets up the paths you need to use <software> version <version_info>")
local version = '<version_info>'
local tool = '<software>'
whatis( [[<description of the software>]] )
whatis( [[Compiled with gcc/xxxx]] )

if (mode() == "load") then
  if (isloaded("<dependency>") ~= true) then
if (mode() ~= "whatis") then

The settings of Modules can be used by lmod.

If you use linuxbrew to install luaposix, please ensure the settings of luaposix is in your path. An example to fix the loading problem is:

$ export LUA_PATH "/home/yyuan/Tools/luarocks-3.1.3/lua_modules/share/lua/5.3/?.lua;/home/yyuan/Tools/luarocks-3.1.3/lua_modules/share/lua/5.3/?/init.lua;;"
$ export LUA_CPATH "/home/yyuan/Tools/luarocks-3.1.3/lua_modules/lib/lua/5.3/?.so;/home/yyuan/Tools/luarocks-3.1.3/lua_modules/lib/lua/5.3/?/?.so;;" 

If you have no root permission, please modify the cmds above accordingly. If you have any problem during the installation, you can contact me.

Copyright@Andy’s blog » Software management



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